McDonald Village welcomes you to our community. We would like to help you as much as possible with your recent move by listing information that you may need. Feel free to call our Municipal Building if you should have further questions at 330-530-5472.
Contact: 330-530-5091
Located at 408 Ohio Avenue.
Contact: 1-877-277-5711.
Armstrong Cable is the Village’s main cable provider.
Contact: 1-855-667-3201
Our supplier is Nexterra. You will be automatically enrolled in our electric aggregation.
If you chose not to participate, please call the provider at 1-855-667-3201.
The Village of McDonald has several events to watch for each year. Please be sure to check our events page for updates.
Contact: 330-792-2487
Trash pick-up is on designated days, depending on where you live. Polycarts are provided and to be used only, no exceptions. Additional polycarts if needed can be purchased through Ohio Valley Waste.
Violators will be prosecuted!
*When holiday falls on Monday thru Wednesday
McDonald Village has a gas aggregation. If you want to be enrolled, contact Constellation at (844)783-2505 to opt-in on savings on your monthly gas bill. Call our office for current rates or click here.
If you are looking for any Village ordinances, they can be accessed by clicking here.
McDonald has a leash law. Please keep your pets contained and controlled at all times. We take pride in our community so please pick up after your dog during walks and be considerate of your neighbors.
Contact: 330-530-2887
Located on the corner of 5th and Ohio Ave.
McDonald Board of Education Contact: 330-530-8051
McDonald has a 2% income tax. Click here for more information.
For more information please visit our Water Department page.
Click here to view our Zoning map.